Driving Creative Transformation - a Radical Approach

What’s on in early 2025…

Beginning in late January and early February, one 6-week and three 12-week programs will launch.

Please use the links for descriptions, details, and registration information. Or
book a call!

Write For Life - Creative Tools for Every Writer - is a six-week group that runs quarterly.

The Artist’s Way, a Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self (1992) is the first book in Julia Cameron’s three-part series on Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self.

It has reached ‘classic’ status with over 5 million copies sold and translations in 40 languages.

It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again, Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond is her 2016 adaptation. She has added a memoir tool - ideally suited to exploring ‘what’s next’ in light of the lifetime of experiences gained and younger passions set aside.

These two in-demand 12-week groups form quarterly.

We explore the remaining books - and particularly these three as cohorts come together - you can
indicate your interest here.

Walking in This World - the second book and an exploration of book three, Finding Water

The Prosperous Heart, Creating a Life of Enough

Let’s do this - be

If you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got…

That’s an adage bandied about 12-Step fellowships - and a down-to-earth read of Einstein’s wisdom about problem-solving:

You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.

So, where does ‘radical’ come in?

Our creative transformation depends entirely on our desire to expand, a commitment to show up for ourselves - and to think less about doing things differently - and more about getting clear about how we want to show up in the world.

In short - we are not a problem to be solved.

We are all wise and gifted in ways we need to identify and honor.

Once we’re clear about who we are, what we value, and how we operate - we can embrace very small changes - and expand what’s possible in our lives.

Once we instill a pattern of small wins - we become confident - commit to new beginnings and complete them.

Actually, it’s less radical than it is natural!

Every time we complete even the smallest and most basic task - we give our reptilian brain a dopamine hit.

That hit energizes us.

It keeps us coming back.

It might be to the page if it's a writing project, to our walks if we're adding a dose of nature to our daily or weekly routine, or to whatever new habit we're trying to form.

And here's the thing about a 6 or 12-week commitment to any project, it's in total alignment with nature.

Whether you measure the year in the traditional four seasons - or the eight of the Celtic and agrarian calendars - here's what our ancestors knew.


They didn't.

They honored the change of seasons with festivals.

They regularly came into community - into fellowship with their neighbors. They broke bread, communed, and
celebrated having been sustained to reach a new season.

Maintaining Momentum

Making change is one thing - sustaining it is another.

Our programs provide basic tools along with the structure and discipline it takes to allow for the former.

Peer support and ongoing programs are available to support you in sustaining it.

Clarity and attention setting are a process - and we’re here to help.

You’re welcome to explore our
Membership options to ensure that staying in process is affordable!

(Current Members in good standing at the close of 2023 will be guaranteed our current (2019) pricing moving forward.

What’s next in 2025?

All of our courses and ongoing discussions and support can be found on the
Empowering Change Mighty Network.

Additional six-week groups -

The Listening Path - The Creative Art of Attention - in April/May 2025
Book a call and let’s chat!


A Safe Space, Resources & a Tribe