Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond

Is that me?


Once upon a time, midlife amounted to 35 years old.

“Midlife Crises” as we experience it now can affect 45-60 year olds facing job/career/relationship disappointment, empty nests, ageing parents and their own greying hair and stiffening joints.

Consider this for perspective – we invested a decade in our late teens and early twenties preparing for careers that would last for 30-40 years.

If we retire at 60 – an active retirement could last 20-30+ years. If we’re even younger and ready to pivot into entrepreneurship, flexible work schedules, work and life abroad – well, we could be starting over in our 40s or 50s.

Hence, “Rethinking Retirement” is the message colleges and universities have used for years in attracting ‘mature students’.

Older populations themselves are ageing… the 80 or over age group is growing faster than any younger segment of the older population.

With decades at stake, consider committing 12 weeks to explore what could be next!

So, how to prepare? Where and when do I start?

Here and now is as good a time and place as any.

Fresh endeavours and the humility to begin again…

Consistent throughout Cameron’s many works is the simplicity with which she presents exercises and tools designed to focus and keep us in service to our best selves.

The tools offer a means of gaining insight into our existing patterns,  whether in tasks that encourage us to take baby steps toward our goals, Morning Pages which help us identify and prioritise the patterns or by the Walks & Artist Dates which take us outside of our routines long enough to imagine and embrace new possibilities. The newest tool is a  Memoir exercise – a chance to mine the past for clues about the future.

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The Accountability Project


Write For Life