The Artist’s Way – What is it?

It’s best described as a personal ‘change management’ program. Resilience can be learned, and all the tools you need are right here.

It is a process. Julia Cameron’s pioneering, and now long proven, the method of “Recovering your Creative Self” is outlined over twelve deceptively simple chapters.

By completing the weekly assigned Tasks you begin a disciplined process of examining the obstacles to becoming the best you can be.

The Morning Pages allows you to develop a daily writing practice which clears the mind of distractions and anxieties, freeing up space for creativity to flourish.

Exercising the discipline of a weekly Artist Date, “assigned play”, you afford yourself quality self-nurturing time. Why? Mindfully present and alone you open yourself up to inspiration, guidance and insights.

It becomes a program for life. The tools keep you deliberately & intentionally focused, you will come to rely upon them. They deliver the insights and impetus you need to become and remain resilient.

The Artist’s Way

You will:

  • act more confidently

  • overcome your fear of failure

  • be willing to try new things

  • transform your outlook

Most significantly, you will have learned to manage future changes in your life confidently. Today’s survival skills are left behind. These become tomorrow’s “thrival” skills.


Spring 2021 online facilitated groups are currently forming.

You can also join our network here for free - and pace yourself through the chapters alongside our facilitated groups.

Register interest below for future programs.
Groups start quarterly.

How does the process work?

It doesn’t, you do!

The author’s intention was that you and others would come together in small peer groups and work through the chapters together.

Begin with the book. Adopt the practice of daily Morning Pages and the specific tools of each program: the weekly Artist Date for The Artist’s Way; CountingWalking and Time-outs for the work of The Prosperous Heart.

When you are ready to begin, read each chapter thoughtfully and do all of the assignments.

Why consider a facilitated group?

Structured regular meetings provide a framework to support completed assignments and peer encouragement to take two hours “refilling the creative well”, the point of the Artist Date.

You come to understand that your fears and negative self-talk are not your unique obstacles to change. Other group members and the facilitator have been where you are.

The facilitator is not a teacher rather, a catalyst:

  • you do the work

  • you uncover the obstacles to changing your life

  • you develop the skills to overcome them

  • It is hard work.  The group is there support you:

  • in a nurturing and challenging space

  • guided by an experienced career counselor

  • with an ever expanding network of like-minded people

You now also have the option of doing the Artist’s Way work with the author on-line. I encourage you to consider it.

Register your interest above or enquire about options for supported groups. We can help you convene or facilitate your own Creative Cluster!

The Artist's Way, a facilitated group
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