Book-Based Learning Groups


This method is a means of supporting you in a process of DIY “Personal Change Management” by introducing supportive fellow travellers.

We offer various ways to help you begin to bring the best version of yourself to your life.

Change is inevitable. You can either be blown over by it or lean in and hoist a sail. Why manage the sail single-handedly? We’re here to share the journey in 6, 8, & 12-week facilitated groups.

Additionally, we offer Facilitated, Supported and support for Self Run Groups.

Groups form quarterly covering many of Julia Cameron’s subsequent books.


You determine which vehicle suits you or your group:


  • Free introductory session

  • 12 facilitated group meetings (1.5-2 hours)

  • 2 individual sessions (1 hour)

  • Weekly “Maintaining Momentum” Office Hours

Enhanced DIY Support

  • Free introductory session

  • An individual Orientation Call (45 min) followed by two Group Coaching Sessions at approximately Weeks 4 & 8

  • Weekly “Maintaining Momentum” Office Hours

Self-Run Group Support

  • Free introductory session

  • Skill building basics for group process

  • Outline for basics for group process

  • Individual/group support available


Our guidelines for working in book groups are adapted from the “Creative Cluster’s Guide” Julia Cameron provides in the Artist’s Way. It is an excellent outline of necessary ground rules and boundaries with encouragement to be:

“… self-loving. If the facilitator feels somehow “wrong” to you, change clusters or start your own. Continually seek your own inner guidance rather than outer guidance. You are seeking to form an artist-to-artist relationship with the great creator. Keep gurus at bay. You have your own answers with in you.”

Additionally, all groups are conducted under the Chatham House Rule.

“The Chatham House Rule reads as follows:

When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.The world-famous Chatham House Rule may be invoked at meetings to encourage openness and the sharing of information.”

How many half-finished self-help books are on your shelves? Don’t beat yourself up – we’ve all been there.

You’re not the problem! Change is scary and fear is paralysing – so just don’t go it alone.

Autumn 2021 groups are forming now and begin in October, November & December. Use the form below to get in touch for further information about the course, alumni discounts, and senior pricing


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